Parmigiano Reggiano Bianca 30 months

13,2030,00 Each 29,00 €/Kg)

Quick Overview

Parmigiano Reggiano Vacca Bianca Modenese

You could well call it a “masterpiece” of cheesemaking tradition, one of the world’s most ancient and well-known cheese specialties. Parmigiano Reggiano is a 100% natural product with unique nutritional and sensory properties. For over nine hundred years it has been faithfully made according to the same recipe based on dairy artisan care and time. This highly digestible cheese has a decisive flavor.

Protection of animal biodiversity

Milk from Bianca Modenese cows is an exceptionally high-quality raw material: the excellent ratio between fat content and protein index, and the high frequency of K-casein B make it easier to process during the complex procedure required to create Parmigiano Reggiano.

Data sheet (Italian): PDF


Local character




The Bianca Modenese breed

A bit of history

The earliest evidence of the Bianca Modenese breed dates back to the first half of the 19th century: Along with the Rossa Reggiana breed, rearing of Bianca Modenese cows soon became closely linked to the production of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

Caseificio Rosola is proud to be at the forefront in the endeavor to recover and enhance the Bianca Modenese breed, since allowing it to become extinct would be tantamount to losing a significant part of our culture, our history – and to giving up a raw material of indisputable quality forever.

In the recent past

Along with the Slow Food Movement and the Provincial Association of Breeders, the Modena Province Department now promotes an important initiative focused on the protection of animal biodiversity, which closely concerns the Bianca Modenese breed.

The first Parmigiano Reggiano cheese wheel made entirely from the milk of Bianca Modenese cows dates back to April 4, 2005, when it passed all the quality controls with excellent results. In 2006, the Slow Food Movement decided to establish one of its Arks of Taste to protect the breed – and not just one product in particular.

Consortium and Product Specification

Shortly afterwards, the breeders of Bianca Modenese cattle – with Caseificio Rosola in the lead – decided to form a Consortium for the development of the Bianca Modenese cattle breed, the main intention being to create a short supply chain able to guarantee quality and equally fair costs for both producers and consumers.

The Specification states that the cattle must only feed on natural, GMO-free products. Silage, fodder and feedstuffs requiring pH variations for their preservation are not allowed, neither is the unifeed technique. Fortifying the feedstuffs with mineral salts and vitamins can only be done when prescribed by a veterinarian.

Additional information

Weight N/A

1,1 kg, 440 grams

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